Couples Therapy & Marriage Counseling

your relationship IS SPECIAL.

Relationships rarely end because of a lack of love. They more commonly end because of a lack of connection.

Do you feel like your relationship could use a little help?

Do you feel like your relationship is no longer thriving and passionate? Maybe there has been a betrayal that you just can’t process through. Have kids seemed to dull the spark and have you at odds trying to parent together? Maybe you are newly engaged or considering getting married and looking for some guidance and reassurance. None of this is abnormal. And all of this can be addressed in therapy.

You’re ready to find the deeply connected relationship you’ve always wanted.

Why do people come to couples counseling? I’m so glad you asked! You do not have to wait until your relationship is on the rocks to get help. In fact, according to the Gottman Institute, couples wait six years before seeking professional help. SIX YEARS! That is precious time you could be healing and not struggling to figure it out on your own. Here are a few of the reasons people seek couples counseling with me;

  • Kids and In laws. It can be a lot. Like, a WHOLE lot. I get it. Parenting is hard, and in laws while often positive, just offer a new dynamic to your relationship that can occasionally be stressful.

  • New city, new job, new stressors. These can lead do disconnect and missed communication.

  • What about me? Feeling like you have lost individuality and now live to exist in a relationship can be challenging to adapt too.

  • Blended families. Y’all are doing the best you can and there is literally no map to navigate this road. However, as a blended family member, mom and step mom, I do have some experience to offer helpful suggestions to tackle this challenging dynamic.

  • Feeling valued and having needs met. Sometimes we don’t even know what needs we are wanting to have met, and a lot of times we don’t know how to ask our partner to meet them or we “feel bad” asking for more than what we are being given.

In our sessions together, we will…

Explore history and communication styles

Process life’s hard transitions, traumas or betrayals

Learn new coping skills, effective communication and attachment styles.

My core values for couples


Couples that do not grow together become stagnant.


You must be honest with your partner and yourself. If you aren’t, this won’t work.


Safety is a love language.


Approaching our own deficits and those of our partner with curiosity and compassion have amazing lasting results.


Messy? Yeah, me too. It’s ok, just bring it all in and let’s figure it out.


Let’s get down to the vulnerable stuff. That’s where the magic happens.

Let’s get started.

Heal, Connect and Thrive.

Let’s get started.